It is slightly more complicated than that, depending. But yes, generally. Although the “summary doc” then includes multiples.
What if everyone could have their own list of featured solutions, each with a brief explanation or analysis? A special page could allow to sort users by reputation and see what a specific high-rep user features.
That sounds a bit like the stars system that had a bunch of issues and was removed.
So …
What if:
- We removed all existing stars and started over by only allowing users with greater than a certain rep to give stars.
- Requiring that solutions that have above a certain number of stars (the ones being “featured”) have an explanation of the code - automated or otherwise.
- Any featured solution is anonymized, but it’s detail page lists the first (5? 10?) similar solutions sorted by user rep.
- We use the display suggestion from ellnix above.
- The featured slots stay no matter what the sort order is for the rest of the community solutions.
@IsaacG I’m not sure how my proposal is similar to the stars system. The mechanics are clearly different.
If I have my own page where I can feature selected solutions and explain what I find interesting about them, it gives me the opportunity to ‘teach’ people immediately, without them needing to request mentoring.
There’s no star system involved here.
Edit: I now see why you thought my proposal was similar to a star system. I’ll edit my previous post.
The stars are still there, so what is causing the idea that it was removed?
I recall something about the stars was removed. Possibly sorting by them.