Done! After completing the Haskell track recently, Elixir was a standout next step to broaden my FP skills. I dearly missed the static typing of Haskell, but didn’t at all miss the idealism (which, to be fair, is also the main attraction of Haskell for me!).
The syllabus for Elixir is amazingly rich. At the time Haskell had no syllabus, so that was quite a step up. But it was funny that in order to complete the 5 recommended puzzles for Functional Feb (highly appreciated, BTW), I had to complete 19 prerequisites to unlock them! So all in all I think I got a great sense of the language, especially reviewing other submissions after I made mine.
You have recommended several exercises for functional feb, but most of them are locked in the Elixir track. Is there a way to access the recommended exercises without having to do the Elixir track in sequence?
Another question if I may: there’s no yatch exercise in the Elixir track. Is there an equivalent one so I can get the badge (completion of the suggested exercises per month) at the end of the year ;)
You can do the exercises in any of the other featured languages: Clojure, Elixir, Erlang, F#, Haskell, OCaml, Scala, SML or Gleam. (see this forum post).