Link references in special blocks/admonitions are not rendered

First seen on this page; search for ][ to find two links that aren’t rendered.

Guessed minimal failing example:

[Link to Exercism][here]

[here]: "Exercism"

If this is not fixable, how should I work around this?

Workaround: move the link reference inside the block":

[Link to Exercism][here]

[here]: "Exercism"
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To be clear: this is a proven workaround?

I’ve done it in the jq Reduce concept: jq/ at main · exercism/jq · GitHub

You have to do the inline thing where the text is in square brackets followed by the URL in parentheses. I’ve done it in several approaches and it’s worked.

The problem is basically that it’s its own rendering context. Treat it as a standalone document!