What was your first programming language?

I tried C++ at first but I wasn’t able to make sense of all the information there, so I went to PHP. Later I went back to C++ and C, but kept working with PHP. Then I started with JS and the list only grew from this point.

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C++, its the first language which you meet at technican university in Poland :D next step was a Python, R, Matlab, LabView… etc :) I finish with JavaScript after university :D

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Like many here I started with Basic. As a kid I spent many hours typing programs from these books into my C64 to play games:

I’m surprised there isn’t more Niklaus Wirth languages listed here. My first PC language was Pascal, and in college we used Modula-2 until they switched to C.


I’ve just been cleaning out 2 years worth of projects.

My very first projects from before I knew what an editor was, to my most recent :smiley:

My learning path is a little scattered.
Java - using Processing Library (I couldn’t get functions to work XD)
HTML CSS (the first introductory course I’d ever managed to complete)
JavaScript (had trouble, someone suggested trying C might help)
C (the second introductory course I’d completed)

I joined a small discord that are making a project, so have become very motivated to learn things I’ve been avoiding…
I’d never tried anything back end before, but want to contribute in some way.

I finally tried the Terminal and started using version control in a Linux VM
Started learning SQL - PostgreSQL (tho the project wont be using it, It was a place to start)

The community voted on what languages and frameworks to use for the project… I’ve never used any of them XD

Its ganna be a bumpy ride,
but so far its been a great experience, full of discovery :smile:

Currently learning about Relational Databases and PHP…
My aim for this week is to finish cleaning up my device and to properly set up my environment in windows :blush: