i need methods to not use REST api anymore and make it use Websocket api or FIX api whichever one the people know about
Are you looking for a Websocket/FIX tutorial? Have you tried Google?
no no tutorial maybe like if u can help me convert code snippets that use REST api to now use Websocket api or FIX api. Thank you
Are you looking to hire someone? Looking for volunteers to write code for you? What code is this? Is this homework? An open source project? Private for-profit code?
this is like something i just want to see if it works or not, cuz i want to first test it out then get deep into it cuz it is interesting, would u volunteer to write code for me even if it is little by little
No. I’m a professional programmer. I write code for pay (it’s my day job) or for thing I’m passionate about (Advent of Code, Exercism). I’m not interested in committing to write code for an unknown project, with no known details, no known scope, no known anything. Most people know better than to commit to something where there are no details provided ;)
If you’re looking to have someone write code for you, you might need to provide an incentive (ie pay someone). If you’re looking for help or a volunteer, you might want to provide details.
Is this for homework? Open source? For profit?
What project is this for? What are the details?
this project is for myself, it is a trading bot on binance, my code right now uses REST api and as u know it is not quicker than Websocket or FIX api and i just wanted help in converting my code methods to use Websocket api or FIX api to make it be quicker to place orders because when using REST api it takes on average 800ms to 1.5s to place an order and receive the order response and i need it to be sub 100ms. it is not some sketchy thing that u are talking about, i dont have money to pay u, i know ur time is very valuable and u are a professional but pls we can work together and i could like let u copy trade me or give u 15 to 25% of my profit
i mean this forum literally said that people would mentor or help me with my code so if it isn’t a big problem for u pls help me with this
also pls dont reject me i can’t go anywhere else, im out of options
I actually work in finance and I’m legally (by US federal law) not allowed to do either of those things. I could go to federal prison if I did that.
This forum is associated with exercism.org where people solve the exercises and volunteers provide mentoring. We do mentor and help people here, by answering questions, providing guidance and providing feedback on code. We don’t write code to solve peoples’ problems, though. That’s coding, not mentoring. If you’re trying to code something up yourself and want help, the volunteers here would be happy to get you unstuck!
wait so if i sent my code here could u like write like little by little code snippets here to help me?
If you try to write code that uses WebSocket and are getting stuck, someone here might be able to look at the code and guide you towards getting unstuck.
wait ok what about FIX api? using binance
Same. If you’re trying to write code and get stuck, you can share details here and someone might help you get unstuck. We try to help people write code. This is part of mentoring/teaching. We don’t write code for people.