Feedback for new exercise (Locomotive Engineer) and new concept (Unpacking and Multiple Assignment) for python

None at the moment for this exercise. I don’t consider this a major error. An embarrassing one, and it should (eventually) be fixed - but not an emergency, and not something that should be PR’d and reviewed individually. There are many errors like that on the track and across tracks.

If you want to urgently re-review everything in contradiction to my request above, please open a new thread. We can collect comments there and re-process them in a few days when the authors of the exercise have had a break and can look at everything with fresh eyes.

@iHiD or @jonathanmiddleton can we make a new thread fork for this?

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Sounds good to me! Thank you for your detailed responses. I look forward to contributing in the future when it’s a more helpful time.

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Absolutely. I’ll see if I can get this to work.


I’m closing this now. If anyone has more feedback in the future, please open a new topic :slightly_smiling_face:

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