Fixed missing closing tag for testcase

one of my students, Manuel Grobauer, tested the new exercise Speedywagon Foundation. Alas, as it currently is implemented, it doesn’t compile - neither in the web ui nor locally when all tests are activated, because one of the test tags wasn’t closed.

This PR (fixed missing closing tag for testcase by senarclens · Pull Request #927 · exercism/cpp · GitHub) fixes the issue. Please merge it.
Thanks, Gerald


Thanks for this. This actually helps a lot. I corrected this with another PR fix: improve docs to align with tests by vaeng · Pull Request #925 · exercism/cpp · GitHub, but there is no one to approve my PR, so I cannot merge it.

I can merge yours, so that’s a very nice alternative.

Hi vaeng,
thanks for merging my PR. Haven’t contributed as much as I would have liked yet … am I allowed to, after reviewing them, approve your PR as well or would I need some extra privileges?

You would need to become a maintainer of the C++ track. Generally, this is considered, if your contribution-related reputation points on Exercism surpass a certain value in a certain timeframe.

To increase that reputation you would need to make PR to the repository, that one of the maintainers (e.g. I) approves and merges.

Thanks for letting me know @vaeng - I’ll do my best (actually have a few exercises that I wanted to contributed after some polishing etc). As with so many of us, time is the only limiting factor …
Best, Gerald :)