one of my students, Manuel Grobauer, tested the new exercise Speedywagon Foundation. Alas, as it currently is implemented, it doesn’t compile - neither in the web ui nor locally when all tests are activated, because one of the test tags wasn’t closed.
Hi vaeng,
thanks for merging my PR. Haven’t contributed as much as I would have liked yet … am I allowed to, after reviewing them, approve your PR as well or would I need some extra privileges?
You would need to become a maintainer of the C++ track. Generally, this is considered, if your contribution-related reputation points on Exercism surpass a certain value in a certain timeframe.
To increase that reputation you would need to make PR to the repository, that one of the maintainers (e.g. I) approves and merges.
Thanks for letting me know @vaeng - I’ll do my best (actually have a few exercises that I wanted to contributed after some polishing etc). As with so many of us, time is the only limiting factor …
Best, Gerald :)