I have spent so many time to understand what “ratePerHour” or “day rate” mean. I thought that It was talking about the total number of hours to finish the job.
To avoid this misunderstandings, would be nice to include the kind of unite you mean. For example, in the statement of the task 1 including parenthesis next to the concept:
A client contacts the freelancer to enquire about their rates. The freelancer explains that they work 8 hours a day. However, the freelancer knows only their hourly rates (money per hour) for the project. Help them estimate a day rate given an hourly rate.
Another option could be including this annotations in editor comments. For example:
* The day rate, given a rate per hour
* @param {number} ratePerHour (money)
* @returns {number} the rate per day (money)
And maybe the better way, changing the variable name to (for example) “moneyPerHour” and “moneyPerDay”; or “pricePerHour” and “pricePerDay”.
I know but I posted this comment like a suggestion because the statement is confuse and I have spent more time understanding the meaning than thinking the logic.
I am sorry you’ve spent so much time figuring out what the text meant.
I have no problem with the addition “(money per hour)”, but please be aware that this is standard terminology in all non-salaried jobs, and the explanation could be found with a Kagi or Google search.
We’re not keen to have the variable name changed. If we made changes to the exercises each time a single person found something confusing, we would not have any exercises left, so we’ll always balance clarity, difficulty, and “hard-because-someone-anecdotally-does-not-know-it”.
Perhaps a different approach may be to add an Exercism admonition to define ratePerHour and dayRate.
For either change we’ll accept a PR. You can link this forum post to make sure a maintainer can re-open the PR.
That’s short for Pull Request. As @Cool-Katt mentioned, all the content for Exercism is available to anyone, online. We accept pre-approved additions, removals, and changes to that content.
If you have never heard of or worked with git, and don’t know any of these terms, it’s still possible for you to contribute here. If you sign up for a free account on github.com, you can then press the edit button on the file:
Update the commit message to something that makes sense and press Propose changes. Finally, add a link back to this forum post on the next page when you’re proposing your changes.
@Cool-Katt, me, or the third maintainer will look at it, ask for further changes, or accept the proposed ones and you have then successfully helped us make the platform better.