Here is a screenshot of the community solutions for lucky numbers problem, where I see the top 3 solutions are by salouri, SleeplessByte, and DavidOfEarth.
When I clicked to go to the solution of salouri, then I see a different set of solutions listed to the right - I expected to see the 2nd and 3rd solutions from the listing page which were by SleeplessByte and DavidOfEarth. - why is the order different?
I am new to Exercism and here is the workflow I use when I write code for Exercism exercises and then to review the Community Solutions - please suggest if there is a better way to use Exercism. I have used checkio for python for a long time and I have settled on a similar workflow there. There the solutions are rates by different categories - the most clear solution, the most creative solution, etc. here is an example from checkio site for some comparison.
When I solve the problem, I take a very simple approach - I just write the first solution that comes to my mind to make the tests pass, taking the TDD approach of writing the simplest code that works - then after the tests pass for each describe block, I pause for a few moments to reflect whether I could improve the code in anyway to make it more readable.
Then I head over to community solutions - my aim in reviewing others’ solutions are two:
- has anyone used a different language feature to solve the same problem?
here my aim is to broaden my knowledge of the JS features - in many cases, I know a certain feature but have not used it - so, when someone else uses it, I find it quite useful to study the solution to consider whether I should adopt a similar approach. - has anyone used a slightly different way of approaching the problem? the variety of solutions to the freelancer-rates 3rd exercise
is a stellar example of the impressive variety of approaches even for a very simple problem. I like to take note of these different solutions - the next time I try the problem I want to solve it in as many different ways as possible - to increase my flexibility in choosing an approach.
Ideally, I want to review all solutions which are different from mine in spirit. And I want to skip the solutions which are similar - but the interface today does NOT allow me to easily peek into the solution to help me to quickly figure out the ones that are different. Hence I choose the top 3 solutions and review them in detail - if I find them all to be similar, then I go to the next exercise. If I find enough variety in the top 3 solutions and I have time, then I check out a few more solutions.
Thank you so much for the core community members like SleeplessByte for taking the time to post different solutions and explaining them.