Since I’m the WebAssembly maintainer, I’ve started to think a bit about #NibblyNovember for #12in23.
The theme is described as a chance to be close the metal and work with “Bits and Bytes.” This makes me think of things like bitwise operations and zero-allocation algorithms that mutate buffers in-place. I’ve assessed our assembly tracks to try to think which exercises should be highlighted for this month. Even though the launch calendar video only mentioned x64 and WebAssembly, I’ve included MIPS for completeness.
Given that there appear to be five exercises common to wasm, x64, and MIPS, this might be the five we have to go with:
- Difference of Squares
- Hamming
- Leap
- RNA Transcription
- Triangle
I think these are reasonable personally. Given the stable state of the assembly tracks, it’s probably best to just reserve these as is. If we drop MIPS from the month, we unlock a few more options. See my list below.
From a student perspective, we have a bit of a coverage gap around ARM64 and RISC-V. If we freeze the “Nibbly November” exercises and relax minimum track requirements so they can launch with just those five, it might be more feasible to launch one or both of those languages. I’ve heard mention of interest in LLVM IR as well, but that feels pretty esoteric IMHO (I worry about spreading too thin on these tracks).
Assembly Languages
- Acronym (wasm)
- Allergies (x64)
- All Your Base (wasm)
- Armstrong Numbers (wasm)
- Atbash Cipher (MIPS)
- Bank Account (wasm)
- Binary (MIPS)
- Binary Search (wasm, x64)
- Circular Buffer (wasm)
- Collatz Conjecture (wasm, x64)
- Darts (wasm)
- Difference of Squares (wasm, x64, MIPS)
- Grains (wasm, x64)
- Hamming (wasm, x64, MIPS)
- Hexadecimal (MIPS)
- Isogram (x64, MIPS)
- Leap (wasm, x64, MIPS)
- Matching Brackets (x64)
- Nth Prime (MIPS)
- Nucleotide Count (wasm)
- Octal (MIPS)
- Pangram (wasm, x64)
- Raindrops (wasm, MIPS)
- Resistor Color (wasm, x64)
- Reverse String (wasm, x64)
- RNA Transcription (wasm, x64, MIPS)
- Rotational Cipher (x64)
- Scrabble Score (MIPS)
- Space Age (x64)
- Triangle (wasm, x64, MIPS)
- Trinary (MIPS)
- Two Fer (wasm, x64)
Here are the exercise authors for x64 and MIPS that would be useful to hear feedback from: