I’m in a pickle and need to start afresh after fiddling with the original functions’ parameters. The CLI download command and the editor both return a version of the exercise I have worked on previously, not the untouched original. Can I reset the exercise in some way so I can download the original version?
Thank you, Isaac. Yes, I had seen that reset option on the Learn page but as far as I can tell that is a reset for the whole Python track rather than just an individual exercise. I can’t see any reset option on the (‘Triangle’) exercise page(s).
Brilliant, glaxxie. I wasn’t aware of that and the reversion does work in the online editor. However, I still am unable to download the original version via the CLI. Perhaps that option does not exist. For this exercise, at least, I think I will have to use the online editor. Thanks again for your input.
You can reset, submit and download. Or copy it from the git repo.
Thanks again, IsaacG. Just what I needed. I got it from the repo. I’ll definitely be making use of that in future