I think your idea of rewards for 25/…/125 newly solved exercises is great. I want to start today. Does that mean you need to call the challenge 25orMoreIn25? Or 125in25?
Please can you clarify a couple of your comments?
Do you have a link to the page with all the practice exercises? I have found, for example, Solve Beer Song on Exercism. Is that what you mean? Exercism does not work.
What do you mean by a “complete set (for all the exercises)” Do you mean for all the languages? And what do you mean by “PS”. Forgive me if this is common knowledge.
Did we ever reach agreement-in-principle to go with the @iHiD suggestion, or something similar? I assume it will take a while longer to get it up on the website (given Other Distractions at the moment), but it might be useful to have some idea of what we are aiming towards.
I am a little late to the conversation, but I have an interesting suggestion, nonetheless. It seems to me that the point of playing with many languages is to expose yourself to different ideas and ways of thinking. The most significant of these is of course programming paradigms.
Gather a list of 52 exercises shared across the 5 programming paradigms (the actual languages don’t matter).
The user solves the exercise in 3 paradigms (Bronze), 4 paradigms (Silver), or 5 paradigms (Gold).
The user can use whatever language they wish for a given paradigm, since the paradigm is just a tag on a language. The user could use Java, Dart, or C# for Object Oriented. They could stick with one for all 52 exercises or use different languages for each. They could do the same with Lisp, Clojure or Haskell for functional programming. Lastly, a language would only count for 1 of the 5 paradigms.
Implementing this (I assume) would be rather straight forward, since the languages are already tagged, and the exercise list is language agnostic. I suppose if it is easier 5 particular languages of different paradigms could be chosen.