cm5 is plain old JavaScript, easy peasy, whereas cm6 is es6 module based, and I found it completely impossible to set up a development environment for that.
The exercism site has recently upgraded to cm6 - cm5 code may still be usable on that via “legacy mode”, or it may need changing such that rather than start as it does now with
Unfortunately that is way beyond my abilities. I have published precisely one npm package and that took me 13 months (by which I mean after the “it all works here, what now” moment), without even involving rollup/webpack or whatever, and all I can remember is the final steps are something like “npm run prepare” followed by “npm publish” but there are so many many many steps missing before that.
The only thing I can offer is this one file (and probably far less usefully the cm5\test.htm linked above)
PS: At the very end of that file I’ve commented out 3 lines that might want un-commenting for the benefit of the online exercism editor. They didn’t do any harm, but didn’t seem to help, though I mave have missed something on the “interactive” side, and for Euphoria the lineComment should be “–” (two minuses) instead of “//”, which makes no difference to Phix. (those changes have now been made to the repo below)
I did see that, but struggled to test it. However it looks much simpler (no vue) and that readme suggests the one above is not compatible with v6, so I’ve quickly knocked up GitHub - petelomax/codemirror-lang-phix: A CodeMirror mode for the Phix language. I’ll try and copy over some exercises today. I’ve just pushed hello-world.