ABAP unit test bug / Kindergarten Garden

In the Kindergarten Garden exercise on the ABAP track, for the test case of Eve, there are 49 characters in the diagram string, of which there are 24 before the \n and 23 after. There should be 50 in total (i.e. 24 before and 24 after). This was probably not picked up by people since, if you divide by 2 the length of the string using /, in the case of 49, it probably rounds up to 25 and the test still passes. If instead, the division is done using DIV, it returns 24 in the case of 49, which makes the test fail.

"for Eve
  METHOD test_eve.
    DATA(expected_values) = VALUE string_table( ( |clover| ) ( |grass| ) ( |radishes| ) ( |grass| ) ).
      act = cut->plants( diagram = 'VRCGVVRVCGGCCGVRGCVCGCGV\nVRCCCGCRRGVCGCRVVCVGCGC' student = 'Eve' )
      exp = expected_values ).