would it make sense to add the task protein-translation
(as it is featured in the very good 48in24 thing) to the raku track? Here a first proposal for the solution.
my class X::InvalidCodon is Exception {
method message {
'Invalid codon'
our %PROTEIN is default(X::InvalidCodon) = {
Methionine => <AUG>,
Phenylalanine => <UUU UUC>,
Leucine => <UUA UUG>,
Serine => <UCU UCC UCA UCG>,
Tyrosine => <UAU UAC>,
Cysteine => <UGU UGC>,
Tryptophan => <UGG>,
STOP => <UAA UAG UGA> }.invert;
sub protein_translation(Str $rna --> Seq) {
$rna.comb(3).map: { given %PROTEIN{$_} {
when 'STOP' { last }
when X::InvalidCodon { $_.new.throw }
default { $_ or [] }
use Test;
throws-like protein_translation("AAA"), X::InvalidCodon;
throws-like protein_translation("AUGU"), X::InvalidCodon;
my @test-data =
AUG => <Methionine>,
UUU => <Phenylalanine>,
UUC => <Phenylalanine>,
UUA => <Leucine>,
UUG => <Leucine>,
UCU => <Serine>,
UCC => <Serine>,
UCA => <Serine>,
UCG => <Serine>,
UAU => <Tyrosine>,
UAC => <Tyrosine>,
UGU => <Cysteine>,
UGC => <Cysteine>,
UGG => <Tryptophan>,
UAA => [],
UAG => [],
UGA => [],
UUUUUU => <Phenylalanine Phenylalanine>,
UUAUUG => <Leucine Leucine>,
AUGUUUUGG => <Methionine Phenylalanine Tryptophan>,
UAGUGG => [],
UGGUAG => <Tryptophan>,
AUGUUUUAA => <Methionine Phenylalanine>,
UGGUAGUGG => <Tryptophan>,
UGGUGUUAUUAAUGGUUU => <Tryptophan Cysteine Tyrosine>;
is protein_translation(.key), .value for @test-data;