I unlocked the Automation tab for JavaScript a month ago, but I just noticed it’s locked again. On mobile it was saying 35/100 over the weekend, but now it’s at 98/100. I just finished some Python sessions so I think it’s showing that progress.
Weird. I re-ran the updating of the stats and it should now work again!
Yeah, the automation tab is unlocked again. Thanks for your help.
I just checked the DB and it looks like @BNAndras is mentoring one track (Go), for which the >= 100 finishes discussions does not apply.
For the last two days, the website switched to showing 0/100 solutions so it must be a different track this time.
Okay, the tab was saying 35/100 today which didn’t match any of the tracks I was mentoring. The tracks did include JavaScript so that should have been an unlock by my understanding.
For now, I reset the tracks I’m mentoring to just JavaScript, and the tab is back to 0/100. I’ll leave it for a day and see if the tab updates correctly.
There’s been some discussion of this in general on Discord today as well. We’ll take a proper look next week :)
I checked again yesterday and I have access to the Python and JavaScript representers now. Thanks for the help.