Badge for Analytical April not awarded after finishing 5 exercies


I’ve finished five exercises in Python during April but I wasn’t awarded a badge.


I thought this might be because I finished Word Count before the Analytical April update was rolled out yesterday, and it was checked of in the year long list retroactively. However I didn’t receive the badge after finishing an additional exercise.


I started the Python track last year and have solved a few exercises during 12in23 unrelated to the themes.

Thank you for this really fun year long challange!

I have also finished 5 new python exercises and received no badge yet.

Maybe there’s a bug or the badge is awarded at a fixed time every day?

I don’t know, but for February and March the badges were rewarded as soon as you completed the goal of five exercises (not including “Hello World”).

It’s the weekend. Let’s see what happens on Monday.

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I have the same issue. At first, I thought that it was because I completed only learning exercises, but then I remembered that in February and March, I got the badge for the learning exercises with no issues. So I think it’s just a bug.

Maybe bug is here website/publish.rb at 3f7159d0a89740e7eb2f1c97a16f2a9d08757d4e · exercism/website · GitHub. There is no perform_later call for Analytical April, but I’m not sure.


@SimaDovakin Good spot :slight_smile: Yes - this was the bug. It’s fixed now, and I’m running a script to backfill. I’m also backfilling Feb badges for the last day of Jan and first of March to get round timezone headaches, and the same for March/April.


Just to confirm that I’ve received the badge. Curious that it’s Rare instead of Ultimate like February and March.

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I’ve updated them all to be rare :slight_smile:

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Appreciate this :slight_smile:

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Hi, I ran into a similar issue. I’ve done 7 exercises in Julia and still haven’t got the badge.

Did you publish them?

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Ah, didn’t realize publishing was part of it. I’ll check that.