[bash, acronym] Possible missing apostrophy

Guidance > Exercise Notes > Reasonable Solutions

Possibly out of sync due to newer test with apostrophies :

-  declare -ra WORDS=( ${1//[![:alpha:]]/ } )
+  declare -ra WORDS=( ${1//[!\'[:alpha:]]/ } )


Want to send a PR for that?

Hmm, while we’re in there, I would question this as a reasonable solution:

  IFS=' !"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~';

Looks like there’s a missing double escaping of an apostrophy later on too – I think it may need it due to markdown :

- 1) words=${1//[!\'[:alpha:]]/ };
+ 1) words=${1//[!\\'[:alpha:]]/ };

Because it renders without the backslash \ :

  1. words=${1//[!'[:alpha:]]/ };
