BASH: Learning exercises needed

I’m having a lot of difficulty doing the exercises in BASH. I believe it is a language with a much slower learning curve than Python, learning exercises would be very useful… is there any prediction for this?

No prediction. Learning exercises are a lot of work and made by volunteers. At this stage, i don’t believe anyone is working on them.

Fully agree they would be valuable though, especially as Bash is one of our most popular tracks.

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The introduction of Learning modules in the exercises that already exist would be great…

I’m a big fan of Learning syllabuses, and have contributed to a few. I thought a bit about how a Bash syllabus might look, but pretty much drew a blank. It’s hard to teach, as well as hard to learn.

A pity, as it’s also a very important language.

The Wooledge wiki page is a very good bash resource, if you’re looking to learn the language. While it’s not integrated into Exercism as a syllabus, if you’re familiar with another language or two and basic programming structures, you should be able to use it to look things up as you work through the exercises.


To find that wiki, start at How to learn Bash | Exercism's Docs and follow the “Greg’s Wiki” link.