Bash: Test suite can't find my code

The Bash track and I are not getting along right now. I’ve already posted about my problem with the editor. I was trying to edit – maybe, even, that’s why the editor can’t find iteration 2. The test suite seems to claim inability to read it as well. I’ve written code that runs fine on my home system as “bash”, but when I give it to the test suite “bats atbash_cipher.bats” it fails all with this warning appended at the end:

The following warnings were encountered during tests:
BW01: run’s command bash encode yes exited with code 127, indicating ‘Command not found’. Use run’s return code checks, e.g. run -127, to fix this message.
(from function run' in file /usr/local/Cellar/bats-core/1.9.0/lib/bats-core/test_functions.bash, line 297, in test file atbash_cipher.bats, line 10) BW01: run's command bash decode vcvix rhnexited with code 127, indicating 'Command not found'. Use run's return code checks, -127, to fix this message. (from function run’ in file /usr/local/Cellar/bats-core/1.9.0/lib/bats-core/test_functions.bash, line 297,
in test file atbash_cipher.bats, line 68)

You say you’re running bash but bats says it’s looking for

It sounds like you are editing one file while the test runner wants a different file.

Thank you! I just didn’t see that.