Bowling Exercise on Ruby Track Seems to Use Conflicting Checks

The code has the following check:

 def test_consecutive_strikes_each_get_the_two_roll_bonus
    game =
    rolls = [10, 10, 10, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    rolls.each { |pins| game.roll(pins) }
    assert_equal 81, game.score

My understanding is that this array would have 18 entries after the game.roll call? Therefore if each frame is two balls, this would mean you have bowled 9 frames, not a full game of 10 frames (assuming no extra balls).

This would violate the check for an incomplete game which uses this code:

  def test_an_incomplete_game_cannot_be_scored
    game =
    rolls = [0, 0]
    rolls.each { |pins| game.roll(pins) }
    assert_raises Game::BowlingError do

Where the idea is that if you haven’t rolled 10 frames already, you should be throwing an error.

Am I missing something here? Seems like these checks might be off and cannot all be used at once which is making me confused here.

Rolling a 10 is a strike and ends the frame.

Frame 1: 10
Frame 2: 10
Frame 3: 10
Frame 4: 5, 3
Frame 5: 0, 0
Frame 6: 0, 0
Frame 7: 0, 0
Frame 8: 0, 0
Frame 9: 0, 0
Frame 10: 0, 0

Ah woops, looks like I overlooked that! Thanks :slight_smile: