[ C++ / Doctor Data ] Inconsistency in the Task 1 description

First time writing here, so I apologize for any mistakes on my part in advance.

I am going through Learning Mode in C++ language track. I came across an inconsistency in Doctor Data exercise, specifically:

We get some code snippet:

heaven::Vessel bob{"Robert Johansson", 1};
heaven::Vessel will{"Riker", 2, star_map::System::BetaHydri};

Two paragraphs later, we get the info about what we should do:

Prepare the source and header files with your discovered information.
You need two namespaces: heaven and star_map. The heaven namespace has a class Vessel, which can be called with two or three arguments. The System enum is to be placed in the star_map namespace and has an EpsilonEridani enumeration. Keep an eye out for other enumerations, so that you can constantly update the System enum.

There, Epsilon Eridani is noted, while it does not appear in the above snippet. Additionaly, tests do expect the BetaHydri enumeration:

TEST_CASE("Create different probes", "[task_1]") {
    heaven::Vessel bob{"Robert Johansson", 1};
    heaven::Vessel will{"Riker", 2, star_map::System::BetaHydri};

If this indeed is not intended, I would be happy to open a PR with correction. However, I will need some help, as it will be my first one :slight_smile:

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Huge shoutout to anyone who prepared an exercise referencing Bobiverse!


Hello karo-fox,

thanks for the shoutout. Two other issues were raised with this exercise, so I should fix them sooner than later.

There were many other things I had to do lately, so many Exercism-related tasks are on the backburner, sorry for the wait.

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No problem, happy to help!