C - Protein Translation (exercise)

Hello, I am interested in an open-source contribution for this exercise to Exercism’s platform. Please provide the steps to accomplish this. Thank you. - @1Dedios1 (Twitter)

Hi Dedios,

great to hear! You might want to comment on this GitHub issue to connect with the maintainers of the C track.

Did you already solve some exercises on the C track?

Here’s what you got to do:

  • Clone the repository of the C track and create a working branch.
  • Execute bin/fetch-configlet to get the our internal tool configlet
  • Use configlet create to create a skeleton of the exercise.
  • Copy common files like the makefile or the test framework from other exercises.
  • Use configlet sync to select the test cases that should be part of the C translation.
  • Implement these test cases with the data from the problem-specification.
  • Write the initial skeleton of the solution that gets presented to the students.
  • Write an example solution.
  • Add your name to .meta/config.json.
  • Commit your solution and create a pull request (PR).

Let me or the maintainers know if you need any help. Cheers!

And if you’ve not seen the video here yet, please take a look :) Practice Exercises | Exercism's Docs

Hey, @Dedios!

Do you still plan to translate this exercise for the C track?
Let us know if you need more information or help.
