CLI support for RISC-V

The old issues on the GitHub suggest that building the CLI tool from source isn’t recommended. If that’s the case, it would probably be best to have a pre-built executable for RISC-V for future versions. Alternatively, a less-hidden description of how to build from source, for people using not explicitly supported architectures, would be greatly appreciated! I love Exercism as a service, and hope it keeps going for years to come!

The Exercism CLI tool? Or a RISC CLI tool? If it is the former, what support is missing?

The Exercism CLI tool doesn’t have a RISC-V pre-built option in the releases, as far as I can see.

You mean the same code but compiled to run on RISC-V? I have no idea how hard it is to cross compile Go code is. If you can compile it yourself, that’s certainly an easy option in the meanwhile.

Cross-compiling GO is as simple as setting enviroent variables before build. GOOS defines the target OS, and GOARCH defines the target architecture. go tool dist list lists all compatible OS and architectures.

I’ve already built the CLI tool for my purposes, but I doubt I’ll be the only one needing it in the future, so I thought it would be good to ask for it.

Thank you for your quick responses! Hopefully it should just be another line in the build automation, and not too much of a pain to set up.