I think the word master shouldn’t be used in the title. There’s a cultural move away from using words like master/slave, black/white, etc.
Is there value in a third resistor color exercise? Does this teach some concept not covered by the prior two resistor exercises? Are we overusing that example?
The exercise was updated to Resistor Color Expert, but the tests file refer to ResistorColorMaster. I can make a PR tomorrow if nobody gets to it first.
Test 5
ResistorColorMaster > one black band
Edit - Resistor Color Expert not Resistor Color Trio
Also want to add that this thread is for PR-ing the exercise to the problem-specs repo. We’ve since decided to not do that for this Python exercise, so I’ve closed that PR.
While that may be true for some languages, it may not be true for others.
Would you be willing to open up a discussion in the category for the language that you feel this should not be “easy” for? That way it can be addressed specifically for that language, rather than as the source for all tracks that have this exercise.
As BethanyG states, this thread is for the problem-specifications repository, and so it is as a source for any tracks that adopt this exercise, rather than for the language you may have in mind.