CMake Error with Parallel Letter Frequency in Visual Studio

I use Visual Studio 2022 for completing exercises, but parallel letter frequency would not display any startup items and intellisense would use the default C++ standard instead of C++17. I eventually found this to be caused by CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE being set to Release (instead of the Debug) in CMakeLists.txt.

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This should work irrespective of the selected build type. The reason it defaults to release for this exercise is to enable optimizations and make the included benchmark more meaningful. If this leads to CMake not generating a proper VS solution, something else must be wrong. I don’t have access to a Windows machine at the moment, but will have a look as soon as I can.

You were correct. Visual Studio seems to by default create only a x64-Debug config for CMake projects. After adding a x64-Release config (and changing the configuration type from RelWithDebInfo to Release in CMakeSettings.json), everything began working fine.