Hi, I’ve installed successfully the Cli and the VS Code official extension (exercism.exercism-cli). I have opened my workspace correctly but when I submit the solution I receive this error message:
Cannot submit this solution automatically, because .exercism/config.json could not be found at /home/miguel/snap/exercism/5/exercism/.exercism/config.json. This may happen if you are trying to submit someone else their solution.
There’s no config.json file and not even the .exercism folder.
Should I create it? What content should it has? Shouldn’t it has being created on Cli installation?
The vscode is looking for a /home/miguel/snap/exercism/5/exercism/.exercism/config.json. that does not exists. I have a /home/miguel/.config/exercism/user.json instead with the info about apibaseurl, token and workspace.
miguel ~/.config/exercism exercism configure
You have configured the Exercism command-line client:
Config dir: /home/miguel/.config/exercism
Token: (-t, --token) my_token_is_correct_here
Workspace: (-w, --workspace) /home/miguel/snap/exercism/5/exercism
API Base URL: (-a, --api) https://api.exercism.io/v1
How did you install Exercism. Snap isn’t officially supported as it tends to cause lots of issues, so if you installed it with that, that might be causing it (cc @NobbZ)
I’ve just copied the ~/.config/exercism/user.json into ~/snap/exercism/5/exercism/.exercism/config.json to check if it works and it’s saying now: “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘solution’)”