[Coordinate Transformation] Correct task text

Minor issue here. The introduction says:

Combine two transformation functions to perform a repeatable transformation. This is often called function composition, where the result of the first function ‘f(x)’ is used as the input to the second function ‘g(x)’.

I changed the text to add the “implement” clause, to follow the pattern established in the other functions.

Implement the composeTransform that combines two transformation functions to perform a repeatable transformation. This is often called function composition, where the result of the first function ‘f(x)’ is used as the input to the second function ‘g(x)’.

More importantly, the code uses a function name different to what’s said in the intro. Changed that too.

const moveCoordinatesRight2Px = translate2d(2, 0);
const doubleCoordinates = scale2d(2, 2);
- const composedTransformations = composeTransformation(
+ const composedTransformations = composeTransform(

May I open a PR?

Yep, PR it!

Sounds like good changes. (cc @neenjaw )


PR here Update instructions.md function name to match provided template by nodakbarnes · Pull Request #2259 · exercism/javascript · GitHub @safwansamsudeen by Wallace.

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