Hello! I want to start by saying that I love Exercism and I’m in love with it.
It’s my first time using Learning Mode, and I wanted to ask: Is there a “correct” or recommended order to do the exercises? I’ll explain what I mean.
I’ve been doing Python’s Learning Mode, and I thought that I could first learn a concept, do every exercise that belongs to that concept for the purpose of mastering it, and then move on unto the next concept. However I’ve noticed that sometimes you need knowledge from concepts you haven’t seen yet. For example, in the Numbers concept, the grains exercise requires conditionals and the armstrong numbers seems to require loops. Both conditionals and loops are further down the road.
So, should I first learn every concept and then go back to do the exercises? What is the intended way to do it? It seems like there should be a dependency tree for exercises in learning mode. “Grains depends on Conditionals”, “Armstrong Numbers depends on Loops”.