Could someone help with ABAP Code Mirror Package pls?

I’ve just been through all our CodeMirror language packs, and one (ABAP) is pointing to an old version of CodeMirror: codemirror-abap/package.json at main · larshp/codemirror-abap · GitHub

That is causing issues with CodeMirror having multiple versions of a dependency loaded. As it’s the only language doing this, and I’m pretty sure we’re not using CodeMirror 6 for EVERYTHING, I wonder if there’s something there’s unnecessary.

I’m out of my comfort zone (and out of time) with this, but if anyone has any ideas/solutions, that’d be appreciated. It might be that @dem4ron or @ErikSchierboom just know from doing a few of these, or someone else that’s made some?

If we don’t sort it, I’ll remove the ABAP highlighting later this week until it’s fixed.

There was one other package that had this issue too - Julia - but that changed from GitHub - andreypopp/lang-julia: Julia language support for the CodeMirror code editor to
GitHub - JuliaPluto/lang-julia: Julia language support for the CodeMirror code editor which fixed it. That might be a clue for any sleuths :slight_smile:


Updating versions might just work? (cc @larshp)

Try the easy thing first :grin:


Try the versions I use in: GitHub - exercism/codemirror-lang-uiua

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Just as an FYI, there’s currently no syntax highlighting for ABAP as a result of this. I’ve not had time to fix it, but if anyone else wants to, that’d be great :slight_smile:

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