"Custom Set" exercise has bug. Erlang/OTP 25, Elixir (1.14.2)

Error message: (CompileError) cannot access struct CustomSet, the struct was not yet defined or the struct is being accessed in the same context that defines it expanding struct: CustomSet.__struct__/0

Hi. What’s the code you’re running that’s resulting in that error?

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Have you used the defstruct command in your solution?

Error shows at start. When you open exercise.

defmodule CustomSet do
  @opaque t :: %__MODULE__{map: map}

  @spec new(Enum.t()) :: t
  def new(enumerable) do

  @spec empty?(t) :: boolean
  def empty?(custom_set) do

  @spec contains?(t, any) :: boolean
  def contains?(custom_set, element) do

  @spec subset?(t, t) :: boolean
  def subset?(custom_set_1, custom_set_2) do

  @spec disjoint?(t, t) :: boolean
  def disjoint?(custom_set_1, custom_set_2) do

  @spec equal?(t, t) :: boolean
  def equal?(custom_set_1, custom_set_2) do

  @spec add(t, any) :: t
  def add(custom_set, element) do

  @spec intersection(t, t) :: t
  def intersection(custom_set_1, custom_set_2) do

  @spec difference(t, t) :: t
  def difference(custom_set_1, custom_set_2) do

  @spec union(t, t) :: t
  def union(custom_set_1, custom_set_2) do

Full error message:

lib/custom_set.ex:41: CustomSet.union/2

== Compilation error in file lib/custom_set.ex ==
** (CompileError) lib/custom_set.ex:2: cannot access struct CustomSet, the struct was not yet defined or the struct
is being accessed in the same context that defines it
expanding struct: CustomSet.struct/0
lib/custom_set.ex:2: CustomSet (module)

@leskow Did you see this question from Glenn?

I didn’t try to solve exercise when I noticed it doesn’t compile. I solved over 100 exercises and this is the first one which shows errors at start. But ok, no problem. I thought this exercise should be changed slightly, so it compile. But if this exercise for you is ok, is ok for me too. End of topic.