"Deprecated Gradle features" warning in the Java track

For anyone out there who is trying the Java track for the first time with the “Hello World” exercise, don’t worry if you see the warning stating

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.

First note that it is a warning and nothing is broken.
The Gradle version used for the test is Version 8 point something and the warning mentions version 9 but if you search online, version 9 is not due to be released until the second quarter of this year, 2025.

If it bothers you (like it does me :sweat_smile:) then you can set warning mode to ‘none’ when you run the test with

./gradlew.bat test --warning-mode=none


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I’ve just raised the PR to fix the warning: Add junit-platform-launcher to test runtime by kahgoh · Pull Request #2905 · exercism/java · GitHub


super awesome! thank you sir! :pray: :tophat: