bin/ works locally in about 6 seconds, but the CI workflow hangs during the testing. I don’t know anything about Docker or GitHub Actions so is there anything obvious I’m doing wrong?
When I use docker-compose, I get a permissions denied error. It can’t pull the test runner image from the store, so it fails.
Probably because the ci.yml file is not actually pushing and/or we don’t have an official test runner repo as of yet.
If I don’t use compose, I get this weird thing where the runner complains that it can’t find pyret. Here is a screengrab of the run I just did with thisci.yml file:
Thanks for looking into this. With Meatball’s help, we’re now at twenty exercises in the bag. I’ll be a bit busy this upcoming week, but I’m hoping to get another crack at tweaking the sanitizing of the test runner output for the results.json.
This is a bit weird. I got the hanging test too the first time, but the second time it did work. Looking at the code, I don’t immediately see anything weird happening. The only thing that I noticed was that -t "test.sock" was being used. Maybe the socket is not ready in CI?
Yeah, that’s an artifact from my earlier troubleshooting. The WebSocket server that compiles the Pyret code normally defaults to a socket file stored in the temp folder. They do note it’s experimental and can get stuck. We’d need to stop the server process, delete the socket file, and start again I think in that case.
Otherwise, I’m happy with how the test runner runs locally and in the Docker image so I’d like to request the official test runner repo, @iHiD. We can continue troubleshooting the CI itself there.