Domain Expertise for Programming

While working on Poker in Go on Exercism - I realized that the introduction to the exercise is very basic.

I am not complaining, but I am wondering if this how real world tasks are?

  • I know Poker, but not an expert. So, I had to use references a lot.
  • The details - I had t refer to the community solutions.
  • In the end, I am not still not an expert in poker, but I did end up writing a program that picks the best hands.

I used to wonder if a person (developer) needs to know the domain well to write the program, but right now, I am going with the approach that domain expertise is not essential.


Pick the best hand(s) from a list of poker hands.

See wikipedia for an overview of poker hands.

Your function will receive an array of strings. Each string represents a hand composed of 5 cards separated by spaces. A card is represented by a number and its suit.

You are to return an array containing either the best hand or, in case of a tie, the best hands. Each hand should be a string in the same format as given to you initially as input.

The more senior you are, the more vague the problem descriptions are, assuming you even get one :slight_smile:

It’s very common in the real world to get assigned work where the details are vague.