Duplicated word in AWK Welcome Modal

There is a typo in the welcome modal. “These” is duplicated (once outside of a link, once inside of a link).

It should be a quick fix here “app/javascript/components/modals/track-welcome-modal/LHS/steps/HasNoLearningModeStep.tsx” correcting L22 but I’ve seen the repository is not taking unsolicited PRs.

Note that this will happen for any tracks that don’t have learning mode, I just happened to see it for AWK.

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It seems to only happen once outside the link and once inside the link.

But as you have not provided a link, I am not positive I am looking at the right thing.

Here is what i am looking at:
https://github.com/exercism/website/blob/main/app/javascript/components/modals/track-welcome-modal/LHS/steps/HasNoLearningModeStep.tsx#L22, and https://github.com/exercism/website/blob/28ec5888d8e1f8a464ade7c033e23fe3248cdb92/app/javascript/components/modals/track-welcome-modal/LHS/steps/HasNoLearningModeStep.tsx#L29 to show the duplication that I see. Can you confirm?

I’ll accept a PR. Thanks! The correct one is the one inside the link.


It was late at night and clearly wrote the wrong thing X)

Here is the PR → docs(awk): welcome modal duplicated text by CarlosRascheVi · Pull Request #7667 · exercism/website · GitHub

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Thank you. I’ve reopened the PR :)