Elon's Toys Exercise

To be specific, im focusing on test 8 right now. It says that after 23 “.Drive()” the battery is at 76% though its at 77% but in vs code all working fine.


using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;

/*var car = new RemoteControlCar();

for (var i = 0; i < 23; i++)


public class RemoteControlCar
    private static int carsBought = 0;
    private static int battery = 100;
    private static int distance = 0;

    public static string Buy()
        carsBought += 1;
        return $"Car {carsBought}";

    public string DistanceDisplay()
        //return "Driven " + distance + "meters";
        return $"Driven {distance.ToString()} meters";

    public string BatteryDisplay()
    {   if (battery >= 1)
            return $"Battery at {battery.ToString()}%";
            return "Battery empty";

    public void Drive()
        if (battery >= 1)
            distance += 20;
            battery -= 1;

And don’t mind other problems, i’ll solve them afterwards.

This was answered on the Discord server. Was that answer not helpful? Posting the same question in multiple places often doubles the amount of work that volunteers do. Please avoid cross posting!