Enabling Unison specific syntax highlighting for our Exercism track?

Hi Exercism team! The Unison Exercism track has been using Haskell’s highlight-js syntax highlighter because of its similarities, but one of our language cofounders recently wrote a Unison-specific highlight-js package. The thing is, because we’re a relatively new language, it’s not listed by the highlight-js main repo. Is there a way to use this repo for our syntax highlighting? We provide the ability to download the Unison highlighter in a few ways but I’m not sure how Exercism links the syntax highlighting to the track. I recall that the highlight-js configuration block in the track’s config.json takes a language argument but I’m not sure if it’s as simple as putting “unison” in there as a value.

Hey! That’s fabulous. The way that we use external highlightjs packages is by adding them as a package dependency. This means the package needs to be submitted to NPM. Once that is done, I’ll happily whip up a PR to enable the syntax highlighter, after which you can indeed just put unison as the value in the track config.json.

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Awesome! One of our community members is helping us submit the package to NPM. I’ll let you know once that is done!

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Exciting news!

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