Eratta: [Pig Latin] "quick" should translated into "ickquay" instead of "ay"

Btw how the instructions are managed?

Python track and Scala track seems been fixed already.

Hi @kazuf3 :wave: Welcome to the Exercism forums!

Practice exercises like Pig Latin are synced to individual language tracks from a central repo called Problem Specifications.

Depending on how busy track maintainers are and what other work needs to be done for the track, there might be a delay in syncing things up.

So your PR should sync the Typescript exercise with Problem Specifications and not change the track exercise directly.

For more information, see these docs and these docs, and let us know if you have questions or issues. :smile:

cc @SleeplessByte & @Cool-Katt


Hi @BethanyG ,

I see! That makes sense.

  • If I have proposals on initial code/test code/runtimes, I should submit PR to language trackā€™s repo
  • If I have proposals on new problems/improvements toward existing problems which are across different tracks, I should submit to Problem Specification repo when itā€™s not known
  • If I have problem proposals on a specific track, I should obtain a UUID from the Problem Specifications repo and submit it to the language trackā€™s repo

Is it correct at high level?

Yes! :smile: BUT.

Tracks vary and maintainers vary. Workloads for maintainers vary. And different tracks have different priorities theyā€™re working on.

So before any PR-ing (especially to Problem Specifications), it is strongly recommended that you come here to the forum and open a topic to discuss your ideas and proposed changes. That way, maintainers can take a look, give feedback, and discuss if the change is wanted/warranted.

Obviously, if it is a clear typo or bug a quick PR link here in the forum is fine - a maintainer can then re-open the PR as needed.

Do you mean if you want to add an exercise? That can be a lot of work, so it is better to hash out the idea here on the forum before digging in. Itā€™s also a good idea to have some conversations with the track maintainers and get a feel for their priorities and track needs.


Yes, thatā€™s my intention! Iā€™m here to learn programming language, which is new to me, but I think itā€™s also a great place where I can contribute to tracks where Iā€™m currently good at.

I will post the idea to the language track subcategory on the forum, and Iā€™m happy to discuss it further with the community and the maintainers.
