Error msg 'no such host'

Hi, after configuring exercism locally, and I am getting an error when trying to use it for the first time.

Looking for similar issue, I found someone who had a ‘no such host’ issue where that case was fixed with an IPv6 configuration. (While my computer is configured for IPv6, my IPS does not appear to support it.)

Does anyone have any thoughts?
Here is the exercism troubleshooting message:

Troubleshooting Information


Current: 3.3.0
Latest: 3.3.0

Operating System

OS: windows
Architecture: amd64


Home: C:\Users\huntb
Workspace: C:\Users\huntb\Exercism
Config: C:\Users\huntb\AppData\Roaming\exercism
API key: 93e5*****************************db3

API Reachability

* https ://api.github .com
* [connected]
* 53.3383ms

* https ://api.exercism .io/v1/ping
* [Get "": dial tcp: lookup no such host]
* 50.871ms