'Error' problem when I send my code

I got the same problem for now 2hours but I couldn’t resolve it by myself so I try here !
I recently discovered Exercism and setup it today but when I’m sending the result to the site it keeps telling me that I need to put my token to send my code but I already did it and verify few times that it is rightly put in the right file with the 'cat ~/.config/exercism/user.json
’ command

Can somebody help please. Good day !

You can get your API token here. You should then run the configure command it tells you to run using your token.

In the future, please use text to share text, not a screenshot! You can use a codeblock to preserve the monospace formatting.

The issue might be that you’re using sudo here too. Why are you using sudo? Will that not look for a token stored in the root user, not your local one?

Ok, it’s noted for the codeblock. However, I already did that as instructed, but the error keeps appearing again and again no matter how many times I set up my token.

I tried several times without the sudo command and after I tried with it to see, but got the same result :'(

I don’t understand the problem because even when I’m going to the user.json of exercism file to see if my token is set rightly all is good and my token is set on the right place that’s why I created a ticket

My expectation would be that if you use sudo, it will use the root user’s user.json, not ~/.config/exercism/user.json. Which is why I think sudo is wrong.

How did you install exercism? I see mention of VirtualBox? Could it be that the env of that is different somehow to the env that exercism is running in?

I install exercism by following all the step of the tutorial on my ubuntu vm on VirtualBox (who is the only vm on my VBox).
But should I retry to install exercism on a new vm to see if it’s working ? I could have made a careless mistake. Or maybe If you know how to remove all the exercism’s files of my vm to reinstall it I’m interested.

Since it appears that you are able to get the exercism command to invoke, can you show what happens when you do:

exercism troubleshoot

And copy and paste that here so that we can see what is going on for you.

As indicated in the conversation already, do not use sudo for this.

You should get a report that looks something like what is in this:

Click here to see my report from that command

Troubleshooting Information

Current: 3.4.0
Latest:  3.5.1

Call 'exercism upgrade' to get the latest version.
See the release notes at https://github.com/exercism/cli/releases/tag/v3.5.1 for details.

Operating System
OS:           linux
Architecture: amd64

Home:      /home/kotp
Workspace: /home/kotp/exercism
Config:    /home/kotp/.config/exercism
API key:   1f43*****************************86f

API Reachability

    * https://api.github.com
    * [connected]
    * 64.653389ms

    * https://api.exercism.io/v1/ping
    * [connected]
    * 254.943517ms

If you are having trouble, please create a new topic in the Exercism forum
at https://forum.exercism.org/c/support/cli/10 and include
this information.

This output will also show us if there is a connectivity issue happening. Hopefully it can give us enough information to show us what your next steps should be to troubleshoot.