[Feature Request] Concept categories in exercise headers

I’m loving this site and all the practice I’m getting out of it. One thing I’ve noticed after doing a several exercises now is that beyond the “Learn” tab, you have no idea what concepts a particular exercise is emphasizing. When you’re in “Learning” mode, it’s pretty obvious which concept it’s trying to teach, but once you get into “Practice” mode it starts getting a little harder to tell what exactly I’m practicing. I think it’s fine that everyone gets to solve practice problems however they want, but it would be nice to see what concept it’s encouraging so that I can challenge myself to use that particular concept. I think a great place to put these categories could be below the exercise title where it says “Available” and the difficulty.

Hello. Thanks for the post.

We’ve discussed this a few times over the years. The general conclusion is that people don’t want the “cheat mode” of knowing what concepts to use.

But maybe we could add these with a spoiler tag or something.

Thoughts from the wider community?

Personally speaking, of course, just having them in the header brings little value. Perhaps with a link back to the learning mode description…?

I could find some merit in being able to filter the available exercises by concepts. If I want to practice, say, iterators, I would pick something from the filtered list. But.

Where there’s a learning mode enabled, this can be already achieved easily by looking at the “Learn” tab, and it is easy to toggle learning mode in a track. Tracks that don’t have learning mode (yet) will probably not have the concepts either, with exceptions such as the Rust track that has it temporarily disabled.

Some exercises would have many concept tags, I think, possibly complicating the header display.

Of course, this is a personal and, as such, limited perspective.