Fruit Picker PR query

Hi guys,

I love Exercism and would like to become more involved in the platform and contribute. I found this issue which I thought could be appropriate as a relatively simple issue for me to fix and submit a PR for, so I requested that I be assigned the issue.

However, upon further investigation, I notice that the current instructions on the Fruit Picker exercise are not consistent with the file for the exercise.

The the file seem outdated for the exercise now. For example, the file references creating callback functions ‘onSuccess’ and ‘onError’, however these no longer appear to be part of the exercise.

I expected that all files for exercises would be reflected on the website, for example, I have checked the file for the translation service, the file and the exercise on the site are consistent.

Could someone please advise on this inconsistency? Should this still be an open issue or is it just a simple case of updating the file to be consistent with those on the exercise on the site.

Sorry if this is a bit of a noob question/post. I just want to give back a platform that has given me so much. :smiley:

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Hello. Thanks for wanting to contribute!

Two things.

  1. Firstly, contributions on JavaScript are currently paused as our maintainers are (in general) a little burnt out. @SleeplessByte might well be accepting contributions from people such as yourself, but it’s worth checking by posting a forum issue here about anything you want to work on, and tagging @SleeplessByte in it. He might also have a list of tasks he actively would like help for.
  2. I’m a little confused about what’s wrong. The file for fruit picker on GitHub does have onSuccess in it (unless I’m misunderstanding). and when I check the file on the site it’s the same. So I’m not clear exactly what is wrong. Also, beyond my lack of understanding, its possible that your version of the exercise is out of date. Each user has the exercise version tagged to the version they completed. Do you have a banner across the top of that exercism on Exercism suggesting you update it?

Thanks again :blue_heart:

Hi Jeremy!

Thanks for your response.

  1. Understood - I’ll do this moving forward.
  2. You were right, my version was out of date. I’ll take another look now I’ve updated it.

Regarding contribution, I know you’ve mentioned the Friday community calls on your insiders videos, can you point me towards these please?

The calls take place on the discord server’s stage.

Thanks for this!