Getting Segmentation fault (core dumped) error

Hi all

I think my test is stuck in a weird state and I am unable to continue on to the next exercises.

I am busy with the C++ track and busy with the “Last Will” exercise. My tests were working at one stage but I ran into a issue due to my own code being faulty.

I have since reverted the entire test to the default template provided at the beginning of the exercise but when I run the test I get the following error:

make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/test_last-will.dir/build.make:70: CMakeFiles/test_last-will] Segmentation fault (core dumped)
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:111: CMakeFiles/test_last-will.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:91: all] Error 2

My test has been reverted to the boilerplate code:

// Enter your code below the lines of the families' information

// Secret knowledge of the Zhang family:
namespace zhang {
    int bank_number_part(int secret_modifier) {
        int zhang_part{8'541};
        return (zhang_part*secret_modifier) % 10000;
    namespace red {
        int code_fragment() {return 512;}
    namespace blue {
        int code_fragment() {return 677;}

// Secret knowledge of the Khan family:
namespace khan {
    int bank_number_part(int secret_modifier) {
        int khan_part{4'142};
        return (khan_part*secret_modifier) % 10000;
    namespace red {
        int code_fragment() {return 148;}
    namespace blue {
        int code_fragment() {return 875;}

// Secret knowledge of the Garcia family:
namespace garcia {
    int bank_number_part(int secret_modifier) {
        int garcia_part{4'023};
        return (garcia_part*secret_modifier) % 10000;
    namespace red {
        int code_fragment() {return 118;}
    namespace blue {
        int code_fragment() {return 923;}

// Enter your code below

Is there anything I can do to get the default/boilerplate test to run? Even if the tests fail I just want to get rid of the segmentation fault error.

I am running the tests in the web editor and not locally.

To get the function to compile and get meaningful test results you have to solve the three tasks, at least partially. Tasks #2 wants you to define a function that takes an int and returns an int, task #3 wants you to define a function that does not take any arguments and returns an int.
As a first step you can define these two functions and return some sort of dummy value, so that the tests can run.

Thank you. I must have made a mistake at a later stage and thought it was something else. Thank you for the help, I was able to get it to pass by implementing the required functions. It would have been a nice touch if the test runner could raise an exception that mentions "function
assemble_account_number " not defined.