Good resources for learning Ruby and Rails

I’m learning Ruby and Ruby on Rails and I’m wondering if there are any great resources (other than Exercism of course!) to learn Ruby and/or Rails that any of you would strongly recommend.

I’m looking for books primarily. But some languages nowadays have other more interactive online resources that are fun to try (Tour of Go, rustlings, etc…), and I wonder if there are any good ones for Ruby. is a resource I have recommended for many years. It is continue work from _Why the Lucky Stiff’s project(s).

I really do not know of any for Rails, though.

I am also online, and interactive, and a resource for you as well, not sure if I am fun to try, though.


I’d also be interested in this. I haven’t used Rails much since Ruby 1.9 and Rails 3, so I’m overdue an update (current versions are 3.7 and 7.0).

Earlier this week I downloaded DiLeo & Cooper, “Beginning Ruby 3”, Somerville & Gamble, “Beginning Rails 6” and Notodikromo, “Learn Rails 6”. The first two look pretty good from what I’ve read so far, the third one not so much. Admittedly, their main advantage to me is that I could get the ePub files through my university library! I’ve seen good reviews for Ruby & Thomas, “Agile Web Development with Rails 7” and the Amazon free sample looks promising, so I’ll probably pay for a full copy at some point.

I’m going through this :slight_smile: Saw it referenced on the Ruby site too.

Hahaha, yes! I’m planning on requesting mentoring for Ruby, so I fully expect to see you on the Ruby track :blush:

I guess a bit unrelated but if you are looking for Ruby documentation, I really like this website: Home | Ruby API (v3.2).

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I learnt from this a very long time ago: Programming Ruby 3.2 (5th Edition): The Pragmatic Programmers' Guide by Noel Rappin, with Dave Thomas

I don’t have any up to date recommendations other that really. But I probably know Rails better than almost anyone and love talking about it, so ask me any questions! Either here or 1-1 :slight_smile:


I’m doing the Seven Languages in Seven Weeks. Less resource, but more of a whirlwind tour. Visit the ruby buffet table and taste everything. (up to 2010 anyway)


  • Ruby Koans is a classic. I never got far, but just restarted it today after a fresh linux install.

  • The Odin Project is somewhat new for ruby and rails, very well liked. I’ll do it eventually.

Bookwise (i’ll read eventually):

  • The classic pickaxe is being updated to ruby 3.2, out soon. Pragmatic programmers is pretty much the reference. Maybe not the best at teaching.
  • Sandi Metz OOP books are always suggested.
  • Eloquent Ruby, and Well-grounded Rubyist are more practical, so I hear.

I prefer the local Ruby Koans over the online/interactive one, but definitely a classic!

I get quite a few students (A substantial percentage of my students) from this project as well, and fill in the “missing” information. A good resource, overall, for sure. (I also have no idea how students from there are finding me though. If you find out, let me know!)

Personally, I enjoy The Odin Project Ruby on Rails Track. check it out, it’s an amazing open-source project. Also, try the Ruby and Rails books by goalkicker.