Group coding afternoon

I’d like to use exercism to run a group coding session at work. All our devs are professional - not newbies - but practice makes perfect! Ideally I’d like a meaty exercise whose tests uncover more and more functionality, so I could ask folks to solve the first 5, then the next 3, then the next 4 tests, and break up the afternoon that way. It shouldn’t be too esoteric or mathematical a topic otherwise you spend time explaining that instead of comparing solutions together. Hope that makes sense! Any tips welcome :slight_smile:

Any particular language you’re targeting?

One nice feature about Exercism’s mentoring is that you can send private mentoring links, so your colleagues can review each other’s code.

The Forth exercise has a lot to chew on.

The thread is tagged “Java” so I assume Java


Get everyone to try solving Food Chain and then maybe Bob. You’ll get a lot of different approaches and a lot of discussion about pros/cons of each. (They won’t do the 5/3/4 split - but I think the discussion that comes from them might be more valuable than the iterative solving).

Katrina and I have spent many hours debating Food Chain and reiterating it over the years. And she’s done multiple conference talks on ways to solve Bob, so there’s lots of goodness there.

Sorry I didn’t come back earlier. Thanks for the great suggestions. Yes I was targeting Java. (I had thought it had its own forum essentially.) I will take a look at Food Chain and Bob and let you know how it goes. If you have any further suggestions or experiences in trying this - let me know :slight_smile: