I’m building a portfolio website using bootstrap and sass. I use a theme kit for it too. I wanted to do a grid column style for my intro-section but then changed my mind so I later deleted the style. But whenever I refresh my browser, I still get an error message. I have tried different things I could but couldn’t make headway. Here’s what I see on my style.css file:
content: “Error: Expected expression.\a \2577 \a 13 \2502 grid-column: ;\d\a \2502 ^\a \2575 \a scss\sections_intro-section.scss 13:22 @use\a scss\style.scss 11:1 root stylesheet”;
I deleted the code and refreshed the browser it didn’t work. I commented out the whole intro-section and refreshed my browser but that didn’t work; it still showed me the same error message! I deleted the error message from the style.css file but my browser didn’t display as it should.