Improve for description in Java-Script types lesson

The sentence

-“Note that because of the described rules, '0', 'false', [] and {} are truthy in JavaScript.”-

Isn’t clear enough and misleading in some ways for beginners. I refactored it to be more clear and more meaningful by adding more description to this case with examples.

I hope I have helped.

Thanks for the effort and content.

This line is not understandable, not clear, and misleading

-“Note that because of the described rules, '0', 'false', [] and {} are truthy in JavaScript.”-

in the above paragraph, it’s clear that false and 0 are false, here we say they are truth which makes the learner confused - I understand that here they are strings and strings are truth, but I think this needs to be clearer and described.)

This is a simple "Improved version, more clarity

Note that because of the described rules, '0', 'false', [] and {} are truthy in JavaScript.
Notice: Here “false” and “0” are strings, - note the " " around the values-, not the original false and 0 values for that they are true because they are strings - On the other hand, the 0 and false values are falsy values, which means any falsy values as a string will be truthy like “NaN”, “null”, “undefined” etc).

I don’t like the Note followed by Notice: but I do think something like this would improve the instructions.

Feel free to make a PR and link this forum post.