Insiders Page Preview is Up. Check your status!

The Insiders Page is now up. You can check your status there and check whether you’re eligible! Exercism

We’ll be launching at the end of the month!

Also, if you think your status is wrong, please feel free to post in this thread and we’ll look into it!


Would you like PRs for typos?

Always! Some text is in app/views/insiders/index.html and some is in app/controllers/insiders_controller.rb (and some in a JS file too but I don’t know that path off by heart :))

Trying to decipher this image:

Beer mug?

The golden ticket from the Wonka factory?

To know if you have access, look for wording like:

" We’ve given you … access to Insiders."

The wording on this will likely/hopefully change shortly though, for that last sentence.

I think it’s a golden coin, Super Mario style (more oval than round)

Just to let the team know, the testimonial icon seems cut off in the dark themed page:

@dem4ron ^^



I’ve set up a recurring donation last friday via PayPal and got the supporters badge today.
My insiders status is still “ineligible”. Am I missing something to be eligible?
I am really looking forward to the dark mode! :star_struck:

There’s an FAQ on the bottom about this. The TL;DR; is that Paypal doesn’t have an API for us to get a list of subscribers, so we have to get things working entirely by webhooks and we’ve not got that finished yet. @ErikSchierboom is working hard on it and we’ll have it pre-launch. Thanks for your support!!

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Thank you for your answer @iHiD, thought this may be linked to the badge somehow.

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The badge will have been manually added for you I think. I’ll double check :)

Yes that’s correct! :sweat_smile:

Woah, that’s the coolest!

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This bar is gone :frowning:

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Huh. Not on my end.

But it does say Insiders will launch today.

Yeah, some days ago already. Just use the navigation entry.