hi I’m new here tyring to do the first exercise, but not of what I write seems to be right.
Objective: Modify the provided code so that it produces the string “Hello, World!”
my code: def hello():
print(“Hello, World!”)
test failure:
This test expects a return of the string ‘Hello, World!’
Did you use print(‘Hello, World!’) by mistake?
This looks like a stand-alone program that prints something.
But Exercism wants you to write a function that returns something.
That’s what the message “Did you use print(‘Hello, World!’) by mistake?” wants to tell you.
Please view the video at
https://exercism.org/tracks/python/exercises/hello-world and follow its instructions.
If you want to reset the exercise to its initial state go to the online editor, click on the three dots (···
) on the upper right corner.