I've got an idea! It is Framework Exercises! Check it out!

So there will be more than Learn and Practice, now I’ve thought of Framework Exercises. So the idea is that there’s the Frameworks and Libraries(but i will just call them frameworks) like: Django, React, Pygame, GTK… and at the Frameworks, they work like tracks but Learning Exercises and Practice Exercises is now called Framework Learning Exercises and Framework Practice Exercises, if you refer at both you can use only Framework Exercises.
So if they are just like tracks, why did you made them in the first place:

  1. It would be inconvenient to have ReactJS and Javascript as different tracks, same thing with NodeJS and WebJS.

  2. There isn’t any tracks that are frameworks or libraries and this is a better way of implementing them on the first place.

See earlier conversations

Exercism has a focus on learning languages.